Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

Good Return Policy

Your satisfaction is our priority.

The online sale is equivalent to selling by post. The law requires those who exercise this activity to give guarantees to the consumer, especially on the right of withdrawal. Holyart complies not only with regulations governing the right of withdrawal, Legislative Decree 206/2005 of the Consumer Code, but it goes far beyond the same. Check the comparison table.


The buyer can change his mind within 10 days from date of purchase by registered letter.Our customer can change his mind within 30 days from date of purchase and can communicate it to us as he prefers, by e-mail, fax or phone.
The buyer must return the goods to the supplier at his own expense.Our customer does not have to do anything, we will recover the goods at our expense. The anti-terrorism international law does not allow us to collect goods outside Italy at our expense. We invite our customers to contact us for any complain in order to evaluate the right solution.
The buyer, if not satisfied with the product, should return the defective goods or denied in whole package to obtain a refund. The refund will be made within 30 days of the request.Our customer if not satisfied with the product, should not send anything. We will collect the goods, even if open and / or used without any cost to the customer. We will then replace with another product of equal or greater value, or refund the amount paid within 3 working days. We invite our customers to contact us for any complain in order to evaluate the right solution. The anti-terrorism international law does not allow us to collect goods outside Italy at our expense.


Our utmost fairness to the customer comes from a sincere relationship: REMMY customer is demanding but fair, and he trusts us as we trust him.


Amico di Bob

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