Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

Payment Method

REMMY.IT offers you a vast choice of payment methods to better suit your needs; the alternatives are all equally safe:

Choosing to pay with credit cards, the payment is effective at the confirmation of the order.  Our payment system will guide you in all the phases until the conclusion of the transaction.  The information is managed in order to guarantee the maximum security of the transaction.  For more details, visit the section PAYMENT SECURITY
The payment is automatic and immediate and therefore the shipment will take place within 24 working hours after having received the order.l


PayPal is a payment method alternative to the credit card and just as safe.  The process is somewhat similar.  The payment is immediate and therefore the shipment will take place in the same span of time as with a Credit Card (24/48 hours).  This payment is deactivated for wholesalers.


By choosing the Bank Transfer payment method, you can proceed with the acquisition of the product by clicking “Order Confirmation” without any further steps.  You will receive an email with all order information and bank information to proceed with the transfer through your bank.  (See bank information below).

   REMMY s.r.l.
   BANCA DI IMOLA - Agenzia di Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna)
   IBAN: IT57G0508036670CC0360634970

The transfer must be made within 3 working days.  Remember to indicate in the notes of the payment, the order number and your first and last name in order to verify the payment.  To anticipate the shipment of the order you can also supply a payment confirmation by sending us the CRO (number or transfer receipt) or the bank payment reference number to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note: the money transfer payment method takes longer than credit cards, prepaid cards and paypal because we must wait for the payment to arrive before we can ship the order.




Amico di Bob

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