Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

a remmy for every need

Remmy is available in two versions to give the possibility, depending on the requirements, to install just once without the need for subsequent movements.

Remmy single:
is suitable in case it is necessary to monitor always and only one seat (even if used, in turn, by more children).

Remmy double:
is suitable in the case where the same car is provided with two seats, (used, for example, twins or children of different ages, also not simultaneously and at different times of the day). Installing double Remmy, every seat will be filled by the action of control and always ready for operation.

Funzione Alert

Remmy Singolo (un seggiolino nell'auto)

Remmy Single

79,00 €
Il sensore di peso

Remmy Double

99,00 €

Amico di Bob

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