Remmy | Car Baby Alert
the first device that gives voice to your baby in the car

the company

inventori michele servalli

Remmy s.r.l is born September 12, 2013 with the mission to put into market a product invented by myself and my friend Carlo. A simple, intuitive, affordable and universal product, to help people avoid potential tragic accidents.

It was the beginning of August 2013 and we faced the typical problem with start-ups: how do we finance the production and marketing of the device that we invented? We were preparing the business plan to enable operation of a crowd-funding on the web when I thought: “ ... could it be possible that for such a project I could find people within our circle of friends with whom to share this entrepreneurial initiative?

I therefore proposed the operation to the people who had helped us from the very beginning with the more technical aspects, finding immediate enthusiasm and availability, both in terms of the collaboration, each with their own skills and also in economic terms.
Excited by the enthusiasm around the product and the entrepreneurial idea, I then proposed the initiative to other friends, and in no more than 20 days I found 18 people who would shortly become members of Remmy. All beautiful people who immediately perceived the value of the initiative. I contacted them one by one, and all of them, as I discussed the project, showed in their eyes the joy and the feeling of being in front of an entrepreneurial project with strong ethics, if I may say so. They all agreed in saying: “NIt is not possible that in 2013, things like this still happen! If there is no product on the market with this feature, we MUST do it ourselves. And quickly!”.
Today, there are 24 of us sharing this project with all the enthusiasm and knowledge that we are doing something beautiful and important. It’s a good team, made up of wonderful people, and I want to thank them by citing them one by one, because they deserve it! Thanks Andrea S., Pierluigi DM. & Daniela N., Anna A., PierFilippo G., PierFederico F., MariaSilvia S., Alessandro S., Davide P., Simona, Guido R., Michele M., Andrea L., Dania M., Antonella B., Valeria H. & Luca M., Fabio M., Marco S., Massimiliano T., Davide M., CarloAlberto B., Paola F. e Donatella D.
Thank you also for the courage you have shown by participating in such an initiative and for the confidence you have shown me. I am sure that with our product will help many people to avoid potential tragic accidents.
Michele Servalli
CEO Remmy s.r.l.

Amico di Bob

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