Remmy | Car Baby Alert
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cases of chronicle

All cases of documented blackout in Italy

The statistics are alarming: the cases of death and abandonment of children in cars by parents who have adopted an irresponsible behaviour but also often, unfortunately, careful parents, loving and scrupulous, who inadvertently stumbled into a temporary blackout.

The cases of children brought to the emergency room in the aftermath of hyperthermia are numerous and not easily documented.

Cases with death:
2013.06 - Piacenza - Forgotten in car by his father. Dies at two years old.
2011.05 - Perugia - Dead baby of 11 months. The father forgets him in car.
2011.05 - Teramo - Left in the car, the little Elena is dead.
2008.05 - Lecco - The mother leaves her in the car, dies at 2 years old.
1998.07 - Catania - At two years dies suffocated by the heat.

Cases without death:
2014.05 - Perugia - Child left alone in car, saved by passer-by.
2014.04 - Pisa - Priest and perpetual play Bingo leaving the children in the car.
2014.03 - Napoli - Leaves 3 year old son in car to go shopping.
2014.01 - Bergamo - Parent forgets the child in the car. Found at Mass.
2013.12 - Piombino - Goes to the office and forgets the child in car.
2013.08 - San Benedetto del Tronto - 2 year old locked in car.
2013.08 - Manfredonia - Child forgotten in car, saved by passer-by.
2013.07 - Napoli - Child locked in car rescued by police.
2013.07 - Modena - Leaves her infant son in the car with pacifier taped to child.
2013.05 - Cattolica - Child left alone in car.
2013.05 - Roma - Leave the child in the car to play slots machines.
2013.05 - Arezzo - Child 18 months left alone in car.
2012.05 - Modena - Child left alone in car, saved.
2011.12 - Trento - Abandoned child in car.
2011.06 - Alghero - Leave her daughter in the car to go to the disco.
2011.05 - Lodi - Child of 3 months left in the car under the sun, saved.
2011.03 - Roma - Left in the car at 11 months: parents playing slots.

Reporting of users:
2014.03 - Milano - Mauro Suardi
2014.03 - Cesena - Dario Tontini
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